Popular Articles

  1. Rack Workflow

  2. Customer / Financial Reports

    Accessing Customer Reports There are certain reports that are only available in the customer grid. These reports can be accessed by right clicking in the customer grid and selecting the customer reports sub menu.    Accounts Receivable Aged An...
  3. Other Crew Planner Features

    A more in-depth look at searching for technicians with particular skills and more......
  4. QuickBooks Online

    Offered in RentalPoint v11.4 and higher, Once configured, all invoices, payments and credits processed in RentalPoint, can now be exported to Quickbooks Online!
  5. Keyboard Shortcuts

    OPTION FUNCTION KEY CTRL SHIFT ALT Duplicate Booking F1   Quick Look F2 New Inquiry F3 Change Operator F3   Open F4 Print Booking Hardcopy F5 Acc...
  6. Virtual Carnet

    Overview RentalPoint now offers functionality to build a Virtual Carnet for checked out bookings.  Users can create a list of boxes/cases, allocate items to each case and either manually enter dimensions or have RentalPoint load dimensions from I...
  7. Troubleshooting FAQ's

  8. Archive/Purge Records in RentalPoint

    Archiving is a tool designed to improve performance and remove the clutter of non-relevant or old items in the RentalPoint system database. Archiving Bookings Archiving prevents the system from having to load hundreds or thousands of bookings in...
  9. Resolve Discrepancies

  10. Remote Connect from MAC
