Alternate Language

Alternate language description for product We would like to add an alternate description for English (we consider French as main) for every product (including crew products) on the database. In “other details” tabs of the booking, we could select the language to use for the print documents as quote and invoice. The equipment tab will continue to use main language description. When will we print a costom print, a Fast Report or a pick list, it needs to select the main or alternate language as selected in the “other details” setting.

Make sure you have parameter No. 16 in the setup parameters -> Custom  Printing section turn on (Yes).

Then the product window will have an extra field to put the English or French description -

The crew products also have fields for English and French-

Any templates you are using would have to be set to show information from the fields you are using above.  Feel free to send your templates to for review with a screenshot highlighting the field you want displayed on the template.

There is a text file called languageterms.csv that can be populated with Alternate Language terms and used by the RTF templates only (not for use with Fast Reports templates).  This file is stored  in the RentalPoint DATA/languageterms directory.  For a sample LanguageTerms.csv contact