Change Document Paths

Change Attachments Documents Path

The Change All Attachments Document Path is a utility used to perform maintenance on documents that are generated by RentalPoint. When a document is generated in RentalPoint a path is saved that tells the system where it resides. If the location of the files change, you need to update RentalPoint with the new file location. This utility updates all document paths to the new location.

Access the utility via the RentalPoint main menu Others-->Utilities-->Change Attachment Documents Path

This utility does not move the files for you. It saves the path of the new location. Custom documents will save to the new location from this point forward.

Specify the new location where the documents are stored.

Change Product Picture Paths

When a picture is attached to a product in Inventory Setup, RentalPoint stores the directory path to the picture file in the database so that it can be easily accessed when needed.  If the location of the picture file changes, you need to update RentalPoint with the new file location. This utility updates all inventory picture paths to the new location.

From the Inventory Setup Window, right click anywhere in the window-->utilities-->Change Product Picture Paths 

Then enter the old and new paths as needed

Change Path for RTF and Fast Report Templates

If your RTF template files are moved to a different location, you'll need to let RentalPoint know where to find them, otherwise you'll get a 'file missing or network down' error as illustrated below.

RTF and Fast Report templates folders are set in your RentalPoint configuration file c:\rentalpoint\sys\rpini.ini 

The file location may differ depending on what folder name you used to install RentalPoint.  To find your configuration file, right click on the icon you use to run RentalPoint, then click open file location

Then open RPINI.INI in Notepad

Ensure the TEMPLATES_DIR and FR_TEMPLATES_DIR point to valid locations where the corresponding template files can be found