Products not used on Bookings

Execute these queries using Excel Query Builder

/* Products not used on any booking*/
select m.product_code as [Inventory Code],
       m.descriptionV6 as [Description],
       isnull(i.product_code_v42,'') as [Item Code],
       isnull(i.booking_no_v32,'') as [Last Booking #],
       isnull(i.Comment_desc_v42,'') as [Description],
       isnull(i.FirstDate,'') as [Not used on booking since]
from  tblinvmas m
LEFT JOIN vwItemAndHist I on I.product_code_v42 = m.product_code
Where I.product_code_v42 IS NULL

/* Products not placed on any booking in X Months - uses reservation date of gear*/ 

SET @Months = 12

SELECT m.product_code  AS [Inventory Code],
            m.descriptionv6 AS [Description]
FROM   tblinvmas m
WHERE  m.product_code NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT product_code FROM   vwitemandhist
                                      WHERE  m.product_code = product_code_v42
                                      AND Datediff(month, firstdate, Getdate()) <= @Months)
ORDER  BY m.product_code