Create a Test Environment

In order to set up a test environment for RentalPoint you need to:

  1. Create a Test Database (In SQL Server Management Studio)
    1. Take a backup of the database
    2. Restore the backup to a NEW database name eg. RentalPoint_TEST
    3. Ensure server roles and user mapping are set up correctly for the NEW database
  2. A new set of Executables:
    1. Copy the current Rentalpoint folder and all sub folders to a NEW directory c:\rentalpointv11_TEST
  3. Check the live configuration file (rentalpointv11\sys\rpini.ini) 
    1. See where the data_dir path is pointing to. 
      1. If it is not within the folder you just copied you will need the inst.dat file from here.  
      2. Copy it to rentalpointv11_TEST\data.
    2. See where the docs_dir path is pointing to 
      1. If it is not within the folder you just copied you will need the docs\templates files from here.  
      2. Copy them to rentalpointv11_TEST\docs\templates. This will ensure the user can create any documents in their test environment.  Any previously created docs will NOT be available in the test environment unless they want to copy them over from the docs_dir path AND change all attachments documents paths via the RP utility
  4. Ensure the user has full permissions to the RentalPointv11_Test docs and data folders
  5. Edit the new TEST configuration file (rentalpointv11_TEST\sys\rpini.ini)
    1.  Redirect ALL the paths to rentalpointv11_TEST instead of the current path.  
  6. Ensure the database name is the TEST database name
  7. Once this is done AND you have double checked that all paths in RPINI.INI now point to a TEST environment AND TEST database then follow the steps in the upgrade doc to upgrade your TEST environment to the latest version.