RentalPoint Cloud


Check Connectivity to your Cloud Server
If you have issues connecting to your RentalPoint Cloud Server, the problem could be related to your internet connection, which can only be resolved by contacting your local internet provider.  To quickly differentiate between internet provid...
Easy Access from your Cloud Server to a Local Drive on your PC
Quickly access a specific folder\path on your local workstation from your cloud server using the 'subst <drive letter:> windows path' windows command, here's how it works...... First, open a command prompt on your local workstatio...
RentalPoint Cloud Server Administration
Remote Connect from Windows
Remote Connect from MAC
Remote App and Remote Desktop Explained
Connecting to RentalPoint Cloud Both 'Remote app' and 'Remote Desktop' connections are available when connecting to your RentalPoint Cloud Server.  Please contact for connection icons if needed. Remoteapp&...