Rental Items not returned between date range

/* All gear that didn't make it back from a show within date range, include warehouse status of the booking */



SET @StartDate = '2024-03-30'

SET @EndDate = '2024-07-01'

select t.booking_no [Booking #],

       B.showname [Show],

       CONVERT(varchar,B.dDate,107) as [Out Date],

       CONVERT(varchar,B.rDate,107) as [Expected Return Date],

       t.product_code [Product],


       I.trans_type_v41 [trans type],


           WHEN t.stock_number = 65535 THEN ''

           ELSE CAST(t.stock_number as varchar(MAX))

        END as [Stock #],

       isnull(a.ASSET_CODE,'') [Barcode],

       isnull(a.DESCRIPTION,'') [Description] ,

       CASE A.iDisposalType

         WHEN 0 then 'Active'

         WHEN 1 then 'Sold'

         WHEN 2 then 'Lost'

         WHEN 3 then 'Stolen'

         When 4 then 'Written off'

       ELSE '' END as [Asset Status],

       sum(t.qtycheckedOut) [QTY OUT],

       sum(t.Qtyreturned) [QTY Returned],

       CAST(sum(i.price) as decimal(9,2)) as [Rental Price],

       CAST(sum(m.retail_price) as decimal(9,2)) as [Retail Price],


          WHEN B.status = 0 THEN 'Booked'

          WHEN B.status = 1 THEN 'Checked Out'

          WHEN B.status = 2 THEN 'Returned'

         ELSE ''

        END AS [Booking Status],

        isnull(S.Salesperson_name,'') as [SalesPerson],

        isnull(P.Salesperson_name,'') as [Project Manager]


from tblassetran T

Left outer join tblbookings b on b.booking_no = t.booking_no

left outer join tblAsset01 A on A.PRODUCT_COde = t.product_code and a.STOCK_NUMBER = t.stock_number

left outer join tblitemtran I on i.SubRentalLinkID = t.ItemTranID and i.booking_no_v32 = t.booking_no

left outer join tblinvmas m on m.product_code = t.product_code

left outer join tblSalesper S on b.Salesperson = s.salesperson_code    

left outer join tblSalesper P on b.ProjectManager = P.salesperson_code    

where ((t.ActOutDate > @StartDate AND t.ActInDate = '1980-01-01' AND b.rdate <= @EndDate ) AND ((T.qtycheckedOut <> T.Qtyreturned and i.trans_type_v41 = 0) )


      ((t.ActOutDate > @StartDate AND t.ActInDate = '1980-01-01' AND b.rdate <= @EndDate ) AND (I.Bit_field_v41  & 0x08) <> 0  ) )

Group by t.booking_no,b.showName,b.dDate,b.rdate,t.product_code,i.trans_type_v41,t.stock_number,a.ASSET_CODE,a.DESCRIPTION,a.iDisposalType,


order by b.ddate,b.rdate,t.booking_no