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  1. CARNET Document from Template

    A Carnet or ATA Carnet (pronounced kar-nay) is an international customs and temporary export-import document . It is used to clear customs in 87 countries and territories without paying duties and import taxes on merchandise that will be re-exporte...
  2. Rental Inventory Export

    The query below will provide an export of all Rental Equipment.  Each line is a separate field with the first 3 in Bold being mandatory for importing back into the system.  Please contact support@rentp.com before attempting an import for the first ...
  3. RFID in RentalPoint

    Radio Frequency Identification is a method if tracking equipment leaving and returning to the warehouse, without the need to physically scan in and out each item.
  4. Resolve Shortages

  5. Invoice a Booking

    Invoice a Booking / Project Multi Stage Invoicing Multi Stage Invoices are used when the customer is billed in stages (eg. 50% on order and 50% on delivery). (Note: This functionality is driven by parameter settings in RentalPoint, see ...
  6. Set up User Access to the RentalPoint Database

  7. Labour and Bookings

  8. Customer / Financial Reports

    Accessing Customer Reports There are certain reports that are only available in the customer grid. These reports can be accessed by right clicking in the customer grid and selecting the customer reports sub menu.    Accounts Receivable Aged An...
  9. Rack Workflow

  10. DocuSign

    How does it work? RentalPoint provides functionality to request a digital signature from clients for Fast Report custom documents produced in RentalPoint (i.e. Quotes, Booking Hardcopies etc) by integrating with DocuSign software! Requirements ...