Products Due To Go Out Today OR In The Future

This query will return all products due to go out today or in the future for the AUDIO group.  

Change the AUDIO group below to whatever group you need OR remove the last AND clause to get all groups

SELECT i.booking_id [Booking],
       i.product_code_v42 [Product],
       v.descriptionV6 [Description],
       i.FirstDate [Delivery Date],
       i.RetnDate [Return Date],
       i.trans_qty [Qty],
       i.QtyCheckedOut [Qty Checked Out],
       i.QtyReturned [Qty Returned],
       v.groupFld [group]
FROM tblitemtran i
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblinvmas v ON i.product_code_v42 = v.product_code
WHERE ((i.trans_type_v41 <> 12)
       AND (FirstDate >= CAST(getdate() AS datetime))
       AND (v.groupfld IN ('AUDIO')))