RentalPoint Port & Additional Module Usage

RentalPoint2 is designed to run on a Windows Operating System using a compatible Network Type with Minimum Hardware Requirements.  Information is stored in a RentalPoint Database hosted in Microsoft SQL Server.  Below is an outline of ports used by RentalPoint when communicating with the SQL database and off the server as needed.  Should you choose to migrate your RentalPoint database to a new server, please be aware of the port usage below and ensure configuration is still functioning as expected for all additional Modules.

SQL Ports

Either SQL Server or SQL Server Express edition will be used to host the RentalPoint Database

Remote Desktop

If users remote to a server to run RentalPoint, then typically the standard TCP3389 is used for Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) from your local machine to a Remote Desktop Server.  See also Printing from Remote Desktop


Emailing in RentalPoint

  • Standard ports 80, 443 (http / https) and possibly 587 depending on how you send email from within RentalPoint 
    • i.e. if you send email directly from RentalPoint to your email hosting system.

Migrating to a New Server

See Migrating RentalPoint for detailed outline

Additional Modules

  • Any/all of these additional modules may also be in use, please check with your company's RentalPoint Administrator to confirm usage as some modules will need configuration on your new server.
  • Integration with QuickBooks Online &  DocuSign may also be in use and should be tested on completion of any server migration (Quickbooks will need a certificate installation on the new server)

Interface with Accounting Software

  • Accounts Parameter 21 defines directory paths in use for exporting RentalPoint accounts.  Ensure the directory paths are still valid when moving to a new server

Attached Documents, Pictures, FloorPlans

  • These will all need to be relocated and accessible on the new server.