Asset Listing

Lists Assets in inventory with some rate and product information

You can execute this query using Excel Query Builder in RentalPoint...

SELECT A.description                                            AS [Asset Description],
       A.asset_code                                                AS [Barcode],
       Cast(R.rate_1st_day AS DECIMAL(12, 2))       AS [Rate1st Day],
       Cast(R.rate_week AS DECIMAL(12, 2))           AS [Rate Week],
       Cast(R.rate_long_term AS DECIMAL(12, 2))    AS [Long Term Rate],
       Cast(R.replacementvalue AS DECIMAL(12, 2)) AS [Replacement Value],
       IM.product_code                                           AS [Product_code],
       A.serial_no                                                   AS [Serial #],
       A.modelnumber                                            AS [Model No.]
FROM   tblasset01 A
       LEFT OUTER JOIN tblinvmas IM
                    ON A.product_code = IM.product_code
       LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblratetbl AS R
                    ON R.productcode = IM.product_code
                       AND R.tableno = 0
ORDER  BY IM.product_code,