Updated Articles

  1. Inventory and Bookings

  2. Direct Asset Transfer

    Transfer checked out assets from one booking to another
  3. Credit Card Processing in RentalPoint

    Credit Card information is encrypted before being stored in the database. There are also operator privileges available to restrict access to credit card information Credit Card Expiry Report Purge Credit Card Information Purge Credi...
  4. Remote Connect from Windows

  5. RFID in RentalPoint

    Radio Frequency Identification is a method if tracking equipment leaving and returning to the warehouse, without the need to physically scan in and out each item.
  6. Miscellaneous

  7. Archive/Purge Records in RentalPoint

    Archiving is a tool designed to improve performance and remove the clutter of non-relevant or old items in the RentalPoint system database. Archiving Bookings Archiving prevents the system from having to load hundreds or thousands of bookings in...
  8. POs

  9. Create/Edit Purchase Orders

    A purchase order in RentalPoint records the purchase of product(s) for addition to RentalPoint Inventory. If this product exists in the system then RentalPoint will automatically increment the quantity owned when the PO is received within RentalPoin...
  10. Tracking a Booking