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When cancelling an invoiced , the corresponding invoice is automatically credited When re-invoicing a booking, processing is dependant on Invoicing Parameter 47 setting: Invoicing Parameter #47 When set to 'Keep the same Number when re-invoi...
Rentalpoint must run with the matching executables to the database version i.e. if your database is v12.0.0.2 then your executables must match that version. It may be easier to copy RentalPoint from an existing workstation since you can follow...
Created On: 11/03/2022
in Troubleshooting FAQ's
AutoEmail errors are reported to the data\logs\errorlog.txt The message below will be reported when an operator has auto-emailing turned on but the operator doesn't have an email address set up. Use the query below with Excel Query Builder ...
Lists Assets in inventory with some rate and product information You can execute this query using Excel Query Builder in RentalPoint... SELECT A.description AS [Asset Description], A...
Technician Timesheet for Booking Print a report of technician hours entered for a given booking as follows: Narrow scope to one technician or print for all technicians on the booking Operator Privileges If the above option is not ...
RentalPoint2 is designed to run on a Windows Operating System using a compatible Network Type with Minimum Hardware Requirements. Information is stored in a RentalPoint Database hosted in Microsoft SQL Server. Below is an outline of ports ...
Import changes to existing inventory with a smaller selection of data (for example rate and weight) First export product information (copy/paste the query below into Export Query Builder ) SELECT G.group_code AS [Product Group], G.g...
You can execute any of the queries below using Excel Query Builder in RentalPoint..... Remember to change the date values (highlighted in red below) as needed. Freight Report for Date Range DECLARE @fromdate DATETIME DECLARE @todate DATE...
select B.booking_no 'Booking #', CASE WHEN B.Booking_type_v32 = 0 THEN 'Rental' WHEN B.booking_type_v32 = 1 THEN 'Sub Hire' WHEN B.booking_type_v32 = 2 THEN 'Quote' ELSE '' END AS Type, ...